Policy on Waste Management
Dog Waste & Litter Management
To maintain a clean and safe environment the Trust spends over £10,000 per annum collecting dog waste and litter from 17 waste bins located across the parkland estate. Residents and visitors who use the Trust’s parkland are therefore politely requested to use the waste collection facilities provided.
Litter bins are located across the estate for use by visitors for small items of litter only and they are usually emptied twice a week. Residents or visitors with bulkier items must take them with them when they leave.
Dog owners have a duty and responsibility to tidy up the mess left by their pets and to place this in the dedicated dog-waste bins provided. Dog waste can potentially cause a range of health hazards to humans and damage to the environment, The sports pitches at the Trust are all used by boys and girls playing junior football and It is especially important that these areas remain free of dog waste.
Fly Tipping
The Trust does not allow household or domestic garden waste to be dumped on its estate and where items are deposited illegally the originators are committing a criminal offence known as Fly Tipping.
Fly Tipping is defined as “the dumping of waste illegally instead of using authorised methods such as kerbside collection or an authorised site” and it applies whether the waste is a single bag of household rubbish or larger items/volumes of garden or other materials
When fly-tipped items are left on the estate, efforts will always be made to identify the source of the material. If the origin can be identified the Trust will take action against the perpetrators to recover all of the costs involved in managing the removal and licensed disposal of the material concerned.
The Trust will also report the event to Warrington Borough Council who may take then take their own formal enforcement action against the offender.
If residents or visitors notice any dog -fouling or fly-tipping taking place please notify the Trust either by calling 01925 377250 (option 2) or by email to: enquiries@pewterspeargreentrust.org.uk